Department of Technology of storage and processing of agricultural products
KHOLOV Fathullo Sharifovich
head of department technology of storage and processing of agricultural products, candidate of agricultural sciences, docent
The department was founded in 1993 in the structure of the Faculty of Horticulture and Agricultural Biotechnology. The first head of the department was Professor Karimov M.K. Then this post was occupied by Salimov A.F., Akhmedov N.A., Kholov F.Sh., Nematulloev Z.S., Khaidarova B.A. MINKHOJOV S.N.
At present, the department, since 2021 has been headed by Candidate of biological Sciences, Kholov F.Sh
The teachers of the department conduct lectures and practical classes at different faculties of TAU. Currently, the department prepares bachelor's degree specialists in the following specialties: 490101 “Technical support of the process of storage and processing of fruits and vegetables”, 4901010-2501 “Technology of storage and processing of agricultural products economics”,5401016 “Metrology, standardization, certification (in the agro-industrial complex)" and 190302-5 "Technology to ensure the quality and safety of food".
The department has a powerful scientific and pedagogical base the department has doctors of science, professors: Salimzoda A.F., Aliev K., candidates of science, associate professors: Kholov F.Sh., Khaidarova B.,senior teachers: Nozimov K.H.Makhmadova G.Yu., and assistants: Saburov S.I., Rahimov O.A.Navruzi A.,
The scientific work of the department is in demand in the current market economy. The teachers conduct research work on the topic “Study of modern methods of storage in industrial refrigerators and the sale of fruits in the Republic of Tajikistan and abroad”. Research is conducted in the process of market and production relations in the conditions of modern management. The results of the department’s scientific works are summarized in many monographs, books, and scientific articles.
The department was created during the restructuring and market economy.
The department has research and production relations with the Academy of Agricultural Sciences named after Timiryazev of Moscow, the Academy of Agricultural Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan, the Agrarian University of Latvia, Slovakia, the Scientific University of Health of Lithuania, the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Tajikistan, research and development institutions and industrial enterprises for storage and processing agricultural products.
In 2015, on the basis of the department of technology of storage and processing of agricultural products, a research and training laboratory “Quality and safety of food products” was created. This laboratory was created as part of the implementation of the project "TEMPUS" -№544529 "Modernization of higher education in the field of quality and food safety in Tajikistan", and this was the basis for the opening of the master's program in the specialty 19030205technology to ensure the quality and safety of food "12.11.2015year. This laboratory is equipped with all the necessary modern equipment to determine the quality and safety of food, the study of food micro flora. Masters and students of the department can conduct research here.