Department of "Private animal"


SAFAROV Tuychiboy  Safarovich

head of the Department of Private Animal Science, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences

The department was founded in 1947. The first head of the department was Professor V.A. Raciborsky (1947-1952) further the department was headed by: associate professors G.A. Aliyev (1950-1952), V.E. Altshuler (1952-1958), K.G. Gorshkov (1958-1960) V.M. Dudukalov (1960-1965), I.G. Lebedev (1965-1976), G.T. Lee (1976-1978), S.A. Khamroev (1978-1981), N.O. Mamin (1982-1986), G.A. Saidov (1986-2000). From 2000 to 2017, the department was headed by Professor Ruziev T.B.     

Since December 2017, the head of the department of private animal husbandry was appointed candidate of agricultural sciences, senior lecturer Safarov T.S.

Over the years, well-known teachers worked at the department, such as Academician of the All-Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences G.A. Aliyev, Academician of the Academy of Agricultural Sciences Komilzoda D.K., Professor Ruziev T.B. Sharipov A., Shamsiev A.G., associate professors Khamroev S.A., Luchipi L.V., Fayziev G.F., Kadyrov T.A. Alaguzhin A.M., Akhmadov T.A., Gladyshev A.A.

Currently, the department has a doctor of agricultural sciences, professor Ruziev T.B., candidate of agricultural sciences, professor Kadyrov T.A., candidate of agricultural sciences, senior lecturer Safarov T.S. and Ayubov B.M., assistant Kholikov A.N. . and laboratory assistant Murodova R.K.

All classes with students are held in 3 specialized classrooms, as well as on the basis of the Gissar educational farm in the city of Gissar and in advanced farms (the farm named after L. Murodov and the farm named after A. Yusupov in the city of Gissar).

The teachers of the department, in accordance with modern requirements, take part in the implementation of research work on two topics: "Improving the Tajik breed of horses", "The use of bulls of the Tajik type of black-and-white breed in order to improve the pedigree of cows among the population" The results of scientific research are widely promoted during the lectures and practical classes with students and trainees of advanced training.

Based on the scientific research conducted under the guidance of Professor Ruziev T.B. - 9 of his students successfully defended their PhD theses. The teachers of the department have developed more than 20 scientific recommendations for production.

A large place in the activities of the department is occupied by educational and methodological support of the leading disciplines. During the years of independence of the Republic of Tajikistan, a book on the discipline "Sheep breeding" (2006) has been published to this day, author Khamroev S.A. “Technology of cultivation, storage and production of livestock products (2013) authors Ruziev T.B., Shamsiev A.G. "Workshop on animal husbandry" (2015) authors Ruziev T.B., Mastov A.J., Safarov T.S., Ayubov B.M. “Cattle” (2013), authors Ruziev T.B., Kadyrov T.A., “Cattle breeding, milk and meat production technology” (2016) authors Kadyrov T.A., Dustov K.A. , “Technology of meat production” (2018) author Ruziev T.B., “Practical lesson on sheep breeding (2019) author Safarov T.S., Technology of milk production (2019) author Ruziev T.B., Horse breeding (2020) author Shamsiev A.G., Goat breeding (2021) authors Safarov T.S., Yusupov A.Ya., Cattle breeding (2021) authors Ruziev T.B., Ruziev H.T., became available to readers.

The specialty of zooengineer is assigned to the department. Livestock specialist is one of the main specialties of the zooengineering faculty. Over 74 years of its activity, more than 4,475 qualified specialists have been trained and sent to production in this specialty.

The achievements of this department is the creation of the Tajik breed of horses. The Tajik horse breed was adopted in 2002 by the Interstate Approbation Commission of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Tajikistan. The Tajik breed of horses was created on the basis of crossing the English and Arabian breeds of horses with the local Lakai breed. The authors of this breed are associate professor Mamin N.O. and Professor Shamsiev A.G. On January 10, 2022, the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Tajikistan tested the Tajik breed of black-and-white cattle, which Professor Ruziev T.B. is its author.

Teachers of the department teach the subjects of livestock production technology, cattle breeding, yak breeding, sheep breeding, goat breeding, horse breeding, the basis of animal husbandry, pig breeding and rabbit breeding.