Department of master's, postgraduate and doctoral studies (PhD)

Today the Tajik agrarian university  named by Sh. Shotemur is one of the leading centers of science, culture, education for the training of highly qualified scientific and pedagogical personnel.

Master's degree is the second degree of professional education, the purpose of which is to provide various sectors of the economy and the system of science and education of the Republic of Tajikistan with highly qualified specialists and scientific and pedagogical personnel. The conditions of convergence of higher professional education with international educational standards and obtaining relevant diplomas were the basis for the establishment of a master's degree.

Magistracy is established only in institutes, academies and universities, which have a Department of postgraduate and doctoral studies, as well as have the appropriate scientific and methodological capabilities, material, technical and educational base, on the basis of the order of the Minister of education and science of the Republic of Tajikistan. The period of full-time study in the master's degree is two years.

Graduates with a diploma of higher education have the right to study for a master's degree. Department of graduate education at the Tajik agrarian university named Sh. Shotemur started with 01.11. In 2012, there were 13 specialties.

In 2014, the first graduation in 13 specialties took place, 46 masters were graduated and received diplomas, three of them received diplomas with honors.

Currently, 133 masters (7 girls and 124 boys, 82 of whom are studying on a contractual basis, the rest - on a budgetary basis) are trained in 17 specialties of TAU master's degree. The number of masters of the first year of study is 39, and the second year – 94 masters.

From the very beginning of the opening of the Department of magistracy, the University management pays special attention to the issue of training of highly qualified personnel. Postgraduate education is important in the training of scientific and pedagogical staff of the University. In this regard, the largest scientific centers of the former Soviet Union, including the cities of Moscow, St. Peterburg, Voronezh, Novosibirsk, Tbilisi and others have a positive impact and support.

TAU scientists also provide comprehensive support to foreign countries in the training of highly qualified specialists in the field of science and education. Currently, graduate students and applicants from Iran, Afghanistan, China, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan and others are studying at TAU.

Currently, the magistracy TAU instruction, and prepare scientific-pedagogical personnel in 3 directions and 45 specialties.  

In the training of highly qualified scientific and pedagogical staff, a lot of work put university scientists, such as: Salimzoda A. F., Norov M. S., Mahmudayrzoda  U. M., Gulov S. M., Nabiev T. N., Samandarov I. K., Madaminov A. A., Sharifov R. Z., Sardorov M. N., Nosirov R., Rakhmatulloev R., Kodirov V., V. A. Bobojonov, Ruziev I. B., Radjabov F. M., Shamsiev A., Khaitov, A. , Ahmedov, B. R., Karomatulloev E. C. and others.

In the 2017-2018 academic year, postgraduate and doctoral studies were attached to the Department of magistracy, in this connection, the full name of the Department began to sound like: Department of master's, postgraduate and doctoral PhD.

By order of the rector of the University, from 2018-2019 the head of this Department was appointed Mirzoev Idibek Abduzhabborovich, candidate of agricultural Sciences, associate Professor.

It should be noted that training in the Department of master's, postgraduate and doctoral PhD is held on a contractual and budgetary basis.

Every year the contribution of the Department of magistracy, postgraduate and doctoral PhD, in the training of scientific and pedagogical staff of TAU. Shirinshoh Shotemur.