Testing Center
YUSUFZODA Farukh Saivali,
Director, University Testing Center
In order to fulfill the order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Tajikistan under the number 923 of September 4, 2007 on the transition of higher professional educational institutions into a single global learning space and organized examinations for full-time and part-time students based on the resolution of the Academic Council of the University, 31.10.2008 Order No. 86 on 01.11.2008, a Center for Assessing the Level of Students' Knowledge was organized.
Based on the Charter of the credit system of education in vocational schools of the Republic of Tajikistan, in order to improve the learning process according to Protocol No. 6 of the Academic Council of the University dated December 27, 2013, the Center for Assessing Students' Knowledge Level was merged with the Information and Analytics Department, and from January 2, 2014 was renamed the department of monitoring the quality of education and assessing the level of students' knowledge.
May 27, 2017 according to the decision of the Academic Council of TAU im. Sh. Shotemur, the department of monitoring and assessing the level of students' knowledge was renamed to the Testing Center TAU im. Sh. Shotemur.
The testing center was established by order of the rector on the basis of the resolution of the Academic Council as an integral structure of TAU for the purpose of developing and providing test tasks, implementing monitoring of the learning process through taking remote (1 and 2 ratings) and final examinations, as well as further developing the quality of training and competitiveness and the formation of a fruitful management system in the internal and external labor market.
The activity of the TAU Testing Center is aimed at providing appropriate conditions for training specialists, introducing modern methods and quantitative and qualitative reforms, identifying new areas for analyzing the quality of the learning process.
The activity of the Testing Center is aimed at solving the following goals and objectives:
-organization of a fund of test tasks to determine the degree of mastering of curricula by students, as well as the introduction of monitoring the quality of education through the adoption of distance (1 and 2 ratings) and final exams;
-improving the base of test tasks and taking exams through modern methods (using information technology tools);
-monitoring and defining modern teaching methods, complying with the assessment of the subject of the test tasks and curricula (syllabus);
-evaluation of the level of knowledge of students in accordance with the minimum requirements of the State Standard for Vocational Training and monitoring of the results of curriculum evaluation;
-conducting trainings and seminars for teachers in order to eliminate difficulties in the preparation of test tasks and analysis of exam results;
-organization of teacher training in order to correctly compile types of test items (open, closed, correspondence) using information technology tools;
- introduction of a testing system in vocational schools;
- Preparation of methodological materials for examinations using modern information technology tools;
-organization of activities for the implementation and approval of the work plan of the test center of the university: conferences, seminars, courses, practice, etc .;
-the introduction of examinations by tests in the learning process in order to monitor the level of students' knowledge;
-organization of the test fund;
- ensuring unified access to all data archives;
-analysis of the quality of training of various degrees of trainees (students of the training department, applicants, students, graduates) in the form of certification for admission, distance exams, etc .;
-the provision of methodological assistance to teachers to assess the real level of knowledge of students;
-presenting issues for discussion at meetings of the Academic Council, Methodological Council and meetings of the university management;
Ensuring the preparation of an expert group and an internal quality analysis;
Preparation of information and analytical material on the problems of the quality of education, holding events for the availability of materials to relevant structures;