Center for registration and consultation
SRASULOV Mehrodjiddin Zurbekovich,
director of the Center for Registration and Consultation
The Registration and Consultation Center, as a result of the structure of the University in order to implement the order of the Minister of Education of the Republic of Tajikistan, №923, from 04.09.2007 "On the transfer of higher vocational education institutions to the universal world education" and the order of the Rector of the Tajik Agrarian University named after Shirinshoh Shokhremur, №82, 28.09.2012 was established on the basis of the Innovative Training Center of the University "Registration and Consulting Office". In the introduction of editions to the Council of Scientists of University was transformed into the "Registration and Consultation Center" on May 27, 2017.
The Registration and Consultation Center of the University operates on the basis of the Law of the Republic of Tajikistan «On Education», the Law of the Republic of Tajikistan «On Higher Professional Education and Post-Secondary Educational Training», «Regulation on the Credit System of Educational Institutions of the Higher Professional Education Tajikistan», «Regulations on Faculty of Higher Professional Institutes of the Republic of Tajikistan», «Regulation on intermediate education in the higher education institutions of the Republic of Tajikistan», «Regulations on Chairs of Higher Professional Institutions of the Republic of Tajikistan», Statute of the University, this Regulation and other normative legal acts of the Republic of Tajikistan and Universities.
The Center for Registration and Consultation as a unit of the University is complemented by the student's credit system in the system of education and submits the results of their achievements to the Department of Education and the Center for Testing.
The registration and consulting center currently has the following working subdivisions;
- Rasulov Mehrodjiddin Zurbekovich - Director of the Center
- Abdukhalimzoda Naima Abdukhalim -Deputy Director of the Center
- Qobiljoni Mirzomurod - Leading Specialist
- Toirov Habibullo - Leading Specialist
During the years of its activities, the management of the center was responsible for the following: Islomov Gafurjon Khokimovich (2009-2012), Yusupov Faruksho Saivalievich (2012-2015) Shakarov Nodirjon Jamshedovich (2015-2023) From October 2023 to the present, Rasulov Mehrodjiddin Zurbekovich is the head.